The mission of the journal is to bring interdisciplinary integration in research on health, adaptation and personal development to a qualitatively new level, encouraging the publication of authors engaged in research and practical activities in the field of humanities, integrated human studies, social problems of medicine and human ecology.

The main aim of the journal is to publish original scientific articles, reviews, etc., devoted to fundamental and applied problems of the humanities, human sciences, social medicine and human ecology, carried out by scientists from the university, other higher educational institutions, research institutions, as well as citizens conducting scientific research on their own initiative.
Basic principles of editorial policy:
1. All copyrights to articles up to the time of publication in the journal belong to their authors. The rights to use the journal's materials belong to the Ryazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as the founder and publisher of the journal. The distribution of copyrights is fixed in the License Agreement, which is signed by the author's team and the editor-in-chief of the journal.

2. The editorial policy of the journal is based on modern legal requirements regarding copyright, set out in Russian legislation, as well as ethical principles supported by the community of leading publishers of scientific periodicals and set out in the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications, formulated by the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications (Russia, Moscow), the Code of Conduct and guidelines of Best Practice for the editor of the journal (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors), the Code of Conduct for the Journal Publisher (Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers), developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment.

3. The editorial board of the journal is responsible for making a decision on publication, ensuring the validity of its decision by involving scientists and experienced specialists as reviewers in the analysis of articles submitted to the editorial board. The decision to publish is based on the relevance, reliability of the research results, scientific significance, originality of the work and compliance with the requirements for the design of the manuscript.

4. Considering reviewing as the most important link in ensuring the exchange of scientific information, the editorial board sets requirements for reviewers to respect confidentiality, objectivity, impartiality, clarity and reasonableness of expressing their opinions, and respect for the principle of recognition of primary sources.

5. The journal publishes manuscripts that have previously been subjected to a double-blind review procedure, then reviewed and evaluated by the editorial board.

6. The editorial staff expects the following principles from the authors offering their materials for publication in the journal: 

7. The journal aims to expand the scope of scientific research by involving authors working at the intersection of disciplines, recognizing the value of multidisciplinary research and the interaction of specialists from different scientific fields.

8. The journal should provide access to the results of scientific research by timely releasing materials, publishing information about new issues of the journal and their contents on the journal's website so that the information published in it is accessible to the scientific community, students, and graduate students.

9. To ensure scientific relevance and overcome the limitations of domestic scientific approaches and schools, the editorial board of the journal encourages publications submitted by authors from other countries, as well as international teams of authors composed of Russian and foreign scientists.

10. The Editorial Board of the journal is not responsible for the opinions, judgments, results and conclusions made by the authors of the articles.

Ryazan State Medical University
Post: 390026, Russia, Ryazan,
Visokovoltnaya st 9.


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