Scientific Journal "Personality in a Changing World: Health, Adaptation, Developmentit is an online publication.


Publication frequency: quarterly, 4 times a year.

Date of foundation: 2012 (based on the Order of the Rector of the Ryazan State Medical University No. 257-d dated November 23, 2012).

The issues of the journal are placed in the Scientific Electronic Library (NEB) on the basis of license agreement No. 242-04/2013.

Founder: Ryazan State Medical University.

Publisher: Ryazan State Medical University.

Editorial office address: 9, Vysokovoltnaya Street, Ryazan, 390026.

E-mail: humjournal@rzgmu.ru 


ISSN 2307-9886 (online): Lichnost v menyayushchemsya mire: zdorovye, adaptatsiya, razvitiye.

Registration record of the mass media No. FS77-69036 dated March 07, 2017.

Statute journal.

Regulations on the journal.

Recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission: included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 21-r dated February 12, 2019) in the following scientific specialties: 


The journal is indexed in the following databases:

Рязанский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П. Павлова
Адрес: 390026, Россия, Рязань,
ул. Высоковольтная, д. 9.


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